Wednesday, November 30, 2016

VINYARD / pastoral nostalgia?

got on a tangent with vinyard, been watching a lot of videos on youtube while listening to the song /

try it with this one :

i am finding it really beautiful to be watching these farmers, while listening to the words.

call it nostalgia, but i think this song is that / has an amazing simplicity to it, acceptance of the daily, and these old films of farmers do that for me.

which also then connects to this :
(not the film, per se, which is cheesy -- but the poem, and some of the images....)

it is, of course releated to this amidon video :

Saturday, November 26, 2016

flowers in the liquid form of water!

I see this for vinyard...especially check out the angel olsen video.  submersion, sunlight, suspended flowers.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


here is a draft of an idea i can expand on /

i guess i like thinking about the meaning of VINYARD, as some sort of collective experience of many people, or one person over time --
the idea of being an individual and at the same time, a congregation !?

we listened to a radio show last night where an astronomer pointed out that
WE look at the stars and can only surmise their life span by seeing stars at different stages of life
the way that butterflies can look at people young, old and in between, and figure out our life span, though won't be around to witness the full thing.

isn't faith/religion/this song, about that, in its way?
the idea of being in a garden/earth and having the understanding that, in some way, the garden has a longer life than we can imagine, that the people on it before and after us, that we accumulate to create one human congregation ? is heaven that accumulation?

a lot to say / i'm curious about layers and the way they allow you to see many things at once, many moments overlaid onto one new time period or vision (the duration of the film)


still intrigued at the possibility of doing more with this idea ??? like building a nest/vinyard 

altered environments!

and watching someone alter their environment:

and colors in white:

this is soap, but...hey, same idea : )

and some general person/environment prettiness/magic, some of which involves ice.  I think these swing to the cheesy/playing-dressup side, but it does have me thinking about ways to interact with an environment:

and, some images of my folks' place in winter:

Monday, November 14, 2016


a little look book of related images ///

i like the connection of fabric & these leaves in ice /

it's funny it seems so bleak in it's way -- the images that come the most to mind are of verdant fields & etc /

but somehow the colors seem all the more vibrant, when surrounded by white !? 

some more crappy greenscreen experiments!