Wednesday, November 16, 2016


here is a draft of an idea i can expand on /

i guess i like thinking about the meaning of VINYARD, as some sort of collective experience of many people, or one person over time --
the idea of being an individual and at the same time, a congregation !?

we listened to a radio show last night where an astronomer pointed out that
WE look at the stars and can only surmise their life span by seeing stars at different stages of life
the way that butterflies can look at people young, old and in between, and figure out our life span, though won't be around to witness the full thing.

isn't faith/religion/this song, about that, in its way?
the idea of being in a garden/earth and having the understanding that, in some way, the garden has a longer life than we can imagine, that the people on it before and after us, that we accumulate to create one human congregation ? is heaven that accumulation?

a lot to say / i'm curious about layers and the way they allow you to see many things at once, many moments overlaid onto one new time period or vision (the duration of the film)

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